Interim Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Voting to confirm; agree
  2. 7. Series of wars due to the leader of France wanting to conquer everything
  3. 8. Against a strong central government to prevent too much power, against the constitution
  4. 11. The first time the Supreme Court considered and Act of Congress to decide if it was Constitutional
  5. 14. List of strengths in having a strong central government, for the constitution
  6. 16. Met Louis and Clark and knew they were in trouble so she joined their journey; diplomat for Louis and Clark and helped with connections to other American Indians
  7. 17. Basis for the Star Spangled Banner, located on the East Coast in Maryland, and was a battle that was heavily shelled by British ships from the harbor
  8. 18. A speech inciting people to rebel against authority
  9. 19. Land that France gave to Spain after the French and Indian war because they didn't want England to have it. Spain eventually gave this land back to France before it was bought by the United States
  10. 20. The British were kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to fight in the war against Napoleon; forcing men to serve on ships
  1. 1. See if something is Constitutional
  2. 2. Had no impact on the war because it was fought after the war was officially over
  3. 4. The first constitution of the United States
  4. 5. A meeting to discuss the laws that weren't working in the Articles of Confederation
  5. 6. The United States blamed Britain for problems with the Indians and Spanish, but impressment was the final straw
  6. 9. War poem that eventually became the national anthem of the United States; written by Francis Scott Key
  7. 10. Veterans were given land, but they could not pay property taxes so the land was taken away
  8. 12. The first ten limitations made for the government
  9. 13. An agreement between Virginia and New Jersey that resulted in fairness for both big and small states
  10. 15. Split up the land of the Northwest and set the rules for how territories become states