Interim Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. ___ is recognized as the National Anthem of the United States
  2. 7. The first constitution of the United States was the ______
  3. 11. This __________ was written by the three founding fathers, this document was to ratify the proposed United States Constitution
  4. 14. 1787 was when representatives from the states met to create the U.S. Constitution
  5. 15. ______ is the power of the courts to decide if laws and government actions are allowed by the Constitution.
  6. 16. ______ was the force recruitment to serve in the military
  7. 18. The _________ _________ were laws that organized and established a system for governing the Northwest Territory
  8. 19. _______ is an old fort in Baltimore, defending against the british attack in 1814
  9. 20. The U.S. Supreme Court case where it was established that the court has the power of judicial review, meaning it can review and potentially invalidate government actions that it finds unconstitutional
  1. 1. The United States purchased a huge piece of land from France in 1803
  2. 2. _____ was a protest by farmers in Massachusetts who were upset about the heavy taxes and debt, they rebelled against the government.
  3. 3. ______ was a Native American woman who guided and interpreted the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  4. 5. _________ refers to actions or speech inciting rebellion against the government or advocating its overthrow
  5. 6. The _______ was led by Napoleon in the 19th century which involved European nations.
  6. 8. This conflict was between the United States and Britain from 1812 to 1815,known as the __________ revolved mostly about trade restrictions and impressment.
  7. 9. The first 10 Amendments are the ___________
  8. 10. Two-house Congress—House by population, Senate equal for each state
  9. 12. The political movement to oppose the creation of a stronger federal government of the United States
  10. 13. The _________ happened after the War of 1812 officially ended.
  11. 17. This was the official way to approve of an agreements by the states