International day of disaster risk reduction

  1. 1. The theme of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2023
  2. 7. The process of making something less dangerous
  3. 11. The action of reducing or minimizing the impact of disasters
  4. 14. An event where people practice how to respond to a disaster
  5. 15. A process to identify, assess, and prioritize disaster risks
  6. 17. A government agency or organization responsible for disaster response
  7. 18. The year International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was established
  8. 19. A natural event that can cause significant damage or loss
  9. 20. An emergency supply kit that can sustain you for a period of time
  1. 2. The act of preparing for and mitigating disasters
  2. 3. A structure designed to resist the forces of a disaster
  3. 4. The day International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is celebrated
  4. 5. The organization that designated October 13th as International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
  5. 6. The region most affected by earthquakes
  6. 8. A sudden, violent shaking of the ground, often causing destruction
  7. 9. The acronym for the United Nations office responsible for disaster risk reduction
  8. 10. The number of times International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is celebrated annually
  9. 12. An essential document for disaster planning
  10. 13. The goal of disaster risk reduction is to build __________ communities
  11. 16. The international framework for disaster risk reduction