
  1. 2. The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year.
  2. 3. A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.
  3. 8. Sovereign states have the responsibility to protect their citizens and if they can't, then the international community has the obligation to act.
  4. 13. The policy of a country responding to events on its own without agreements with, or support from, other countries.
  5. 16. A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries.
  6. 22. An international organization of 8 nations who meet annually to deal with major economic and political issues facing their domestic societies and the international community.
  7. 23. An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.
  8. 24. An organization that takes an internationalist approach. Focusing on human health since it is a concern that knows no borders.
  9. 26. The ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will.
  1. 1. Debt incurred by a government that was not democratically chosen, and the borrowed money may have even helped a brutal regime stay in power.
  2. 4. This organization promotes sustainable development and is dedicated to protecting the arctic region's fragile environment and indigenous cultures.
  3. 5. The doctrine that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world.
  4. 6. A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organisation made up of independent appointed officials or representatives elected by member states.
  5. 7. A situation in which there is economic growth, rising national income, high employment, and steadiness in the general level of prices; to reduce possible extreme ups and downs of the standard of living.
  6. 9. A 15-member panel which bears the UN's major responsibility for keeping international peace.
  7. 10. When developed countries and businesses make more money they will spend more money, as a result it will "trickle down" into the hands of less developed countries.
  8. 11. Promoting human welfare and social reform.
  9. 12. This organization brought the defence of the U.S. and Canada to a joint command to protect against any nuclear attack from The Soviet Union.
  10. 14. Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries.
  11. 15. A country's plan for dealing with other countries of the world.
  12. 17. An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.
  13. 18. A minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below.
  14. 19. A feeling of being free from fear, danger, etc.
  15. 20. A policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems. The United Nations is multilateral in nature.
  16. 21. Inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
  17. 25. An alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries.