
  1. 8. duty or obligation to take care of something
  2. 9. English Speaking person
  3. 14. countries abide by rules from internationalism organization
  4. 17. security countries work together to maintain peace
  5. 18. things you desire but don't need,
  6. 19. members of the collective community accept collective responsibility
  7. 20. debt is Incurred by a despotic power
  8. 21. don't have enough money to meet basic needs
  9. 23. the world charging because of humans
  10. 24. sanctions cutting of trade with countries
  11. 25. French Speaking person
  12. 27. several countries coming together to Solve problems
  13. 28. income the total income earned by country
  14. 29. A Plan or action that guides official relations with other countries.
  15. 30. estate people in developed countries have more money to spend
  1. 1. - are sont to conflict zones only after
  2. 2. agreements resolved by 2 people
  3. 3. It promotes peace security and is dedicated to make a large free trade zone in the eu
  4. 4. - Determination the power to control one's own affairs
  5. 5. -a signed general agreement on tariffs and trade to make a large tree trade
  6. 6. responding to events on its own
  7. 7. things you haft to have to survive
  8. 10. heritage collective culture, historical assets
  9. 11. How pape and Countries talk to each other
  10. 12. Promoting the well being of Humanity
  11. 13. Stability the economy is balanced
  12. 15. exchanging goods between one another
  13. 16. A policy where a country don't want to do anything
  14. 22. the separation of like minded people into isolated groups
  15. 26. aid Help given with strings attached