Internationalism Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. This organization aims to increase prosperity and eliminate poverty.
  2. 6. After WW11 countries were in ruins and 51 countries founded what is now known as ___________ UNESCO Organization that increases education globally and views it as a basic human right.
  3. 9. Economic stability, peace and security, self-determination and humanitarianism are the major factors of ________
  4. 11. Put in place to aid Western Europe countries after World War II ended.
  5. 12. Black death, was viewed as one of the largest _________ in history.
  6. 14. Known as the “main organ” of the UN.
  7. 15. This agreement made currencies convertible for trade
  8. 18. Electronic Media has begun to create a _____________ around the world.
  9. 20. Organization that researches climate change and its effects on an area Canada and Russia both claim
  10. 22. Gets confused with isolationism
  11. 24. The foundation of this organization is to create an environment where children can learn, grow and play.
  12. 26. NATO, NAFTA and the European Union are examples of ___________.
  13. 28. Also called the fund works to help international economic cooperation.
  1. 1. Oversees political actions that benefit and effect French speaking people
  2. 2. An example of ________ is the Kyoto Protocol, which is an agreement among multiple countries to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. 3. This organization works in over 150 countries along side governments to create healthier environments
  4. 4. Helps regulate trade between member countries
  5. 5. Around 19 countries use their currency
  6. 7. A country borrowing money from another country must spent the money they`ve received in the country they got the money from.
  7. 8. The ______ has 15 members one of their roles is to recommend new members to the general assembly.
  8. 10. Is one of the largest humanitarian organization that helps people in majority of countries around the world
  9. 13. The separation of a people into isolated groups
  10. 16. Canada and U.S.A have a acid rain agreement
  11. 17. A referendum created questioning the withdrawal of a country from the European Union
  12. 19. Has the power to prosecute any individual that has committed major international crimes
  13. 21. A country completely isolates itself from participation in international matter
  14. 23. Examples of this type of organization would be, “Doctors Without Borders” and “Save the Children.”
  15. 25. The Rwandan civil war was an example of a UN ________ mission
  16. 27. ________ was used in 2005 to end the secound Sudanese Civil War