
  1. 3. a program that allows the United States to give financial aid to countries struggling from the effects of World War II
  2. 5. maintaining peace in a country
  3. 6. an organization that promotes economic stability in the Arctic and safeguards the Arctic’s fragile environment
  4. 9. Criminal Court (ICC) an organization that punishes individuals for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
  5. 10. an international monetary system that occurred in 1944 that led to the creation of the World Bank and IMF
  6. 13. the policy of a country responding to issues on it’s own without the support of other nations
  7. 16. an agency of the United Nations that promotes programs in science, education and the arts.
  8. 18. a term that describes the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union
  9. 21. an agreement between two countries for the resolution of issues
  10. 23. Council an organ of the United Nations that responds to international crises
  11. 25. (NATO) an organization made up of 29 member states that safeguards the freedom and security of its member states
  12. 29. an organ of the United Nations that allows all member states to have equal representation
  13. 30. the countries of the world linked together because of advances in technology
  14. 31. an international organization that represents countries where French is the mother tongue. It’s goal is to promote French culture
  1. 1. a quick spread of a disease throughout the world
  2. 2. an international organization that works to promote peace and security
  3. 4. like minded people separating into groups that oppose people whose values differ from their own
  4. 7. an international organization that provides relief for victims of war, victims of natural disasters and provides aid for soldiers
  5. 8. the action of bringing peace to a nation in distress
  6. 11. an organization shared between the United States and Canada that deals with missions of aerospace warning and control for North America.
  7. 12. an association of 28 European member states that work to promote peace and economic stability among its associates
  8. 14. the doctrine of several nation-states jointly meeting obstacles and dealing with problems
  9. 15. an international non-profit medical relief institution that provides aid for populations in distress or facing armed conflict
  10. 17. (NGO) non-profit organizations that send help to countries that have been affected by a massive disaster
  11. 19. (WTO) an international organization that promotes trade between nations.
  12. 20. the concept of all members of the global community accepting collective responsibility for the adversities that go on in the world. As well as remembering to respect nation-states during the resolution of issues
  13. 22. an organization that aids countries suffering from financial instability and promotes promotes international trade
  14. 24. an international institution that provides loans to countries in need of financial aid to help reduce poverty
  15. 26. a form of foreign policy where a country provides aid (with strings attached!!) to another country experiencing economic, political or social distress
  16. 27. a global organization that teaches less fortunate children with various educational games
  17. 28. the doctrine of a country to control one’s affairs without the help of any nation-states, resulting in the isolation of one’s self from any international affairs.