Internet Business Associate Lesson 2

  1. 2. A Web page that integrates content and scripts from multiple Websites to create new applications.
  2. 5. A ____ center is a call center that allows consumers to contact agents via avenues other than by telephone.
  3. 6. A concept referring to the changing trends in the use of WWW technology and Web design that have led to the development of information-sharing and collaboration capabilities.
  4. 9. A data format that adds human-readable metadata to existing code so that the data can be processed by other software.
  5. 12. A data format for delivering Web content that is updated frequently.
  6. 14. A collection of personal thoughts posted on a public Website. Blogging is the act of adding entries to a blog.
  7. 18. ___ intelligence is the ability of a group to exhibit a greater degree of intelligence by solving problems collaboratively compared to the intelligence of an individual member.
  8. 19. A technology that converts voice into data packets for transmission over a packet-switched IP network. Allows the use of the Internet for real-time voice and video traffic.
  9. 20. The integration of telephony and data technologies.
  10. 21. The practice of creating networks of friends, associates and clients who can discuss topics in common. Online social networking is a powerful concept used by individuals and businesses worldwide.
  11. 22. A page or collection of Web pages that can be viewed and modified by anybody with a Web browser and access to the Internet.
  12. 23. ____ messaging is a computer-based method of communication in which users can type and view messages sent to one or more recipients, and view the responses immediately.
  1. 1. A method by which a blogger receives notification when other bloggers link to his or her blog entry.
  2. 3. A programming methodology that uses a number of existing technologies together and enables Web applications to make incremental updates to the user interface without the need to reload the browser page.
  3. 4. The use of audio or video digital-media files that are distributed through Web feeds to subscribed users.
  4. 7. ____ communications is a business trend that seeks to simplify and integrate all forms of communication. Also, a set of technologies that enable voice to be converted into text, and vice versa.
  5. 8. An application programming interface (API) that is used to transfer XML and other text data between a Web server and browser.
  6. 10. A problem-solving model in which a task ordinarily performed by one person is outsourced to a large group or community in order to obtain and analyze large amounts of data.
  7. 11. The practice of categorizing online content through tags.
  8. 13. A method of person-to-person communication in which users type short text messages from mobile phones.
  9. 15. A status indicator that conveys a person's willingness and ability to engage in communications.
  10. 16. A Web 2.0 implementation by which Web data is contextualized with the addition of machine-readable metadata.
  11. 17. _____ computing is a person's ability to use technology in non-stationary positions and in transit.
  12. 18. A ____ center is a centralized office used for the purpose of processing a large volume of requests by phone.
  13. 21. Spam that is delivered through instant messaging.