Intirim Review

  1. 2. - Was a court case in where it gave power to the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional
  2. 6. - The official confirmation/agreement of something
  3. 7. - 85 essays wroten to promote and persuade the ratification of the United states constitution.
  4. 10. - The process that the U.S.A had to take in order to add states
  5. 14. - Fights between The first french emperor and opposing European nations
  6. 17. - She was the native american women on the Lewis and Clark expedition
  7. 18. - A process that consits of the supreme court checks on the legislative branch
  8. 20. - The battle in which the USA made it clear to Britain that the Louisiana territories was american property.
  1. 1. - The war where the United states fought Great Britain, Britain was harassing USA sailors.
  2. 3. - This is when someone is recruited by using force and not on their own free will
  3. 4. - The document that states the agreement between the 13 colonies, was the first constitution
  4. 5. - Was a meeting between the states where they discussed the weakness of the articles of confideration.
  5. 8. - The united states of america bought this huge amount of land from the french
  6. 9. - An agreement that the U.S.A would have two houses in congress.
  7. 11. - Were a group of people that opposed the ratification of the constitution.
  8. 12. - Rebellion attacks on courthouses and government properties against the debt crisis
  9. 13. - The battle where the national anthem was made
  10. 15. - The U.S.A national anthem
  11. 16. - Are the first 10 amendments of the U.S.A constitution
  12. 19. - Conspiring and using language that disrupts legal operation of the government