INTL Week 8 Review

  1. 1. Hollowing out of major cities, such as Detroit, and jobs moving abroad to lower costs of manufacturing. Further exacerbating wealth gap
  2. 5. Accumulation of economic activity in a centralized location (MTS trolley connects UCSD to Tijuana/Downtown San Diego, communications networks, access to pool of qualified workers, easy exchange of ideas, etc.)
  3. 9. Two Words- Direct control by one actor over another - In other words, actor A holds direct control over actor B - Ex: International organizations using their influence to change the behaviors of a ‘rogue’ state
  4. 10. Not affiliated with government entities, although may work hand in hand with governments to solve problems
  5. 11. What author argues "Despite its formal structure, the AU's dedication to Pan-Africanism is under scrutiny, partly because many African citizens are unaware of its existence."
  6. 12. School maintains that cities are physical nodes of global capital, but also have the capacity to change that structure. Cities can use diplomacy to solve problems, not compete against each other for businesses.
  7. 13. Attempt to induce the enemy to respond to terrorism with indiscriminate violence, which radicalizes the population and moves them to support the terrorism
  1. 2. Attack to persuade the enemy that moderates on the terrorists' side are weak and untrustworthy, thus undermining attempts to reach a peace settle
  2. 3. Try to convince the population that the terrorists are strong enough to punish disobedience and that the government is too weak to stop them, so that people behave as the terrorists wish
  3. 4. School approach views cities as marketplaces competing for capital and talent, driving them to engage in global activities like trade missions and foreign collaborations. However, this focus can undermine local tax bases and exacerbate inequality through zoning and economic strategies that prioritize private capital over public welfare.
  4. 6. A term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.
  5. 7. Which author argues a liberal democracy refers to “a state that instantiates liberal ideas, one where liberalism is the dominant ideology and citizens have leverage over war decisions”
  6. 8. “involves the strategic use of information to garner attention and support for the mission of the organization” (Stroup & Murdie, 2012, p. 246)
  7. 14. In an attrition strategy, terrorists seek to persuade the enemy that the terrorists are strong enough to impose considerable costs if the enemy continues a particular policy