Intro Chapter 8

  1. 3. After Veronica was verbally threatened by someone in a passing car, she was asked whether she recognized the man who was driving the car. Several hours later, Veronica mistakenly recalled that the driver was a male rather than a female. Veronica's experience best illustrates the ____ effect.
  2. 6. Children who participated in a memory experiment falsely remembered that they once went to the hospital because they had caught their finger in a mousetrap. Their false memory best illustrated the impact of
  3. 8. Cougar's psychology professor gives a chapter quiz every week. What is likely to happen to Cougar's course grade as a result of repeated quizzing? His grade is likely to _____.
  4. 11. After Maya told her friend the 5-digit password to a protected website, her friend was able to remember it only long enough to type it into the password box. In this instance, the password was clearly stored in her friend's ________ memory.
  5. 13. During her evening Spanish language exam, Janica so easily remembers the French vocabulary she studied that morning that she finds it difficult to recall the Spanish vocabulary she rehearsed that afternoon. Her difficulty best illustrates ____ interference.
  6. 16. Although Wayne usually has at least five beers a day, he recalls drinking little more than two beers a day. This poor memory best illustrates
  7. 18. Savannah devotes several hours each week to reviewing what she has learned in her sociology course, expecting that she will be well-prepared for the final exam. Savannah is especially likely to retain the information far into the future. This best illustrates the value of
  1. 1. The Atkinson-Shiffrin three-stage information-processing model proposed that we first record to-be-remembered information as a fleeting ____ memory.
  2. 2. Visualizing yourself sitting at the same desk in the same room in which you initially learned course material can be an effective way to recall what you previously learned because this mental visualization activates
  3. 4. The encoding of information directly into long-term storage without the aid of working memory best illustrates what kind of processing?
  4. 5. Recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse that incorporate errors triggered by a therapist's leading questions best illustrate the ____ effect.
  5. 7. After suffering a brain injury in a biking accident, Abran cannot form new memories. He can, however, remember events before the accident. Abran's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates
  6. 9. Mrs. Smith can't consciously recall how frequently she criticizes her husband because it would be too anxiety-arousing to do so. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that her memory problem illustrates
  7. 10. Leanna is on the girl's soccer team. Her intricate motor movements are facilitated by her
  8. 12. Whenever Zona experiences intense feelings of fear, she is overwhelmed with childhood memories of being punished by her parents. Zona's experience best illustrates ______ memory.
  9. 14. At a mixer, Kathryn is introduced to six young men. Moments later, she remembers only the names of the first three and the last two. Her experience best illustrates the ________ effect.
  10. 15. Landon's car was stolen from the grocery store parking lot. Police officers later asked him to describe in writing the men he saw breaking into his car and how they did it. Which measure of memory retention was being used?
  11. 17. Retaining information over time through encoding, storage, and retrieval best describes