Intro to Forensic Science

  1. 3. Unit which examines bullets and casings
  2. 5. Collects and preserves physical evidence
  3. 8. Father of Toxicology
  4. 10. Lie detector test
  5. 11. Unit that processes and examines fingerprints
  6. 13. Examines writing and printing
  7. 15. Handwriting expert
  8. 16. Discovered that bloody typing can be used for ID
  9. 17. Unit which examinesDNA profiling
  10. 19. First forensic lab
  1. 1. Used 243 body measurements as a way of ID
  2. 2. Oldest forensic lab
  3. 4. Unit which examines voices/voicemail
  4. 6. First to develop methodology for using fingerprint ridges for ID
  5. 7. Unit that examines body fluids and organs for drugs/poisons
  6. 8. ID victims based on dental evidence
  7. 9. Organized the first FBI lab
  8. 12. Developed the study of ballistics
  9. 14. Father of modern fingerprinting
  10. 18. Exchange principle