Intro to Office Tech Ian Sabatine

  1. 2. The act of signing in to an account that was previously created
  2. 7. To start a show on the internet that people can join and watch (examples of apps: Instagram, Facebook, etc)
  3. 10. Tumblr has these
  4. 11. Screaming online
  5. 12. A way of sending things online (like the mail but online)
  6. 13. An electronic device that is larger then a phone but lets you do the same things
  7. 14. Behaving well online
  1. 1. What you leave on the internet when you post (permanent)
  2. 3. Looking for something on the internet, specifically on an app
  3. 4. The act of putting something online to excessively
  4. 5. Putting something online for people to see
  5. 6. Creating some sort of account on an app
  6. 8. To share something online specifically a survey
  7. 9. An online profile that you own
  8. 11. To recreate something that a person made