Intro to Psychology

  1. 2. The approach Skinner is known for
  2. 6. The approach that examines how we process, store, and use information and how this information
  3. 8. predictor variable
  4. 11. can be any event, characteristic, condition, or behavior
  5. 13. Set of ideas which try to explain what we observe
  6. 15. The approach that is based on the belief that childhood experiences greatly influence the development of later personality traits and psychological problems
  7. 16. Last name of who studied the most basic elements, primarily sensations and perceptions, that make up our conscious mental experiences
  8. 17. method of exploring conscious mental processes by asking subjects to look inward and report their sensations
  9. 18. specific statement of expectation derived from theory
  10. 21. observable actions or responses in both humans and animals
  11. 24. The approach that focuses on how our genes, hormones, and nervous system interact with our environments
  1. 1. Change in a patient’s illness that’s attributable to an imagined treatment rather than to a medical treatment
  2. 3. the approach that emphasizes that each individual has great freedom in directing his or her future, a large capacity for personal growth, a considerable amount of intrinsic worth, and enormous potential for self-fulfillment
  3. 4. In-depth analysis of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, behaviors, or problems of a single individual
  4. 5. outcome variable
  5. 6. An association or relationship between the occurrence of two or more events
  6. 7. processes not directly observable; refer to a wide range of complex mental processes, such as thinking, imagining, studying, and dreaming
  7. 9. Combination of Biology, social factors, and psychology= combine to explain behavior
  8. 10. the systematic, scientific study of behaviors and mental processes
  9. 12. Approach that emphasizes that perception is more than the sum of its parts and studied how sensations are assembled into meaningful perceptual experiences
  10. 14. Understanding criminal law in the relevant jurisdictions in order to be able to interact appropriately with judges, attorneys and other legal professionals.
  11. 19. Way to obtain information by asking many individuals
  12. 20. Last name of who studied the function rather than the structure of consciousness; was interested in how our minds adapt to our changing environment
  13. 22. Knowledge based on direct observation
  14. 23. the branch of psychology that is a medical doctor