Intro to Shakespeare

  1. 4. The name of the play we will be reading in class
  2. 5. In what year did Shakespeare die? 16__? WRITE AS A WORD NOT A NUMBER
  3. 7. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
  4. 8. In what year was Shakespeare born? 15__? WRITE AS A WORD NOT NUMBER
  5. 9. How many kids did he and his wife have? WRITE AS A WORD NOT A NUMBER
  6. 10. Who was king at the time?
  7. 13. What did Shakespeare's dad do for a living?
  8. 14. In what country was Shakespeare born and raised?
  1. 1. Where did Shakespeare travel to find work?
  2. 2. Shakespeare's wife was ____ years old when she became pregnant with his child WRITE AS A WORD NOT A NUMBER
  3. 3. Name of Shakespeare's son who died young
  4. 6. In what town was Shakespeare born and raised?
  5. 11. Shakespeare got his start in theatre as an ______?
  6. 12. Who did Shakespeare marry?