Intro to The World

  1. 3. The 60 South latitude line runs through this ocean.
  2. 4. Florida city that is just west of the 80 West longitude line
  3. 10. Longitude lines are farthest apart at the ________.
  4. 11. Western state that 45 North latitude runs through
  5. 12. Ocean that the 30 West longitude line runs through
  6. 15. Lines that tell distance North or South from the Equator
  7. 16. State where 35N / 120W is located.
  8. 17. The 170 West longitude line runs through this ocean.
  9. 20. Ocean through which the 80 East longitude line runs.
  10. 22. Mountain range that runs from Canada to the United States
  11. 23. Country between Greenland and Norway that the 65 North latitude line runs through
  12. 24. State that the 100 West longitude line runs through
  13. 25. Southern state that 90 West longitude runs through
  14. 26. European country that the Prime Meridian runs through
  1. 1. The 0 latitude line
  2. 2. The 0 longitude line
  3. 5. All longitude lines come together at the top of the world in this ocean.
  4. 6. The 70 North latitude line runs through the top of this state.
  5. 7. East African country that the Equator runs through
  6. 8. South American country that the Equator runs through
  7. 9. North African country that the Prime Meridian runs through
  8. 13. Which African country is the farthest north?
  9. 14. West African country that the Equator runs through
  10. 15. The northernmost of the Great Lakes
  11. 18. The 50 North latitude line runs through the southern part of _______ just north of the United States
  12. 19. As longitude lines get nearer to the North Pole, they get _________ together
  13. 21. Lines that tell distance East or West from the Prime Meridian