Introduction Food Science

  1. 4. A food’s ___ come from its unique blend of appearance, taste, odor, feel and sound.
  2. 14. The substance that is dissolved, like coffee in water.
  3. 15. This monosaccharide is the building block of all saccharides.
  4. 16. Bond is formed by the sharing of electrons.
  5. 18. Heat transfers by circulatory movement in a liquid or gas.
  6. 21. A process that creates glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
  7. 22. These are the building blocks of all matter
  8. 23. A solution is considered ___, when the acid and base contribute the same number of ions.
  9. 25. Alkaline foods taste
  10. 27. Is a food preservation method in which food is heated to destroy pathogenic organisms.
  11. 29. Bond is formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of different elements.
  1. 1. Food preservation method that chemically changes food.
  2. 2. Bonds between water molecules.
  3. 3. Are sensory organs that detect sweetness and saltiness.
  4. 5. In an experiment, one ___ changes while the others do not.
  5. 6. Because it creates your first impression, a food’s ___ can affect whether you like it before you even taste it.
  6. 7. If a fat is liquid at room temperature, it is
  7. 8. Forces that hold atoms together are known as
  8. 9. Substance that dissolves another substance.
  9. 10. A protein that contains all the essential amino acids is a ___ protein.
  10. 11. In science and educated guess is known as a
  11. 12. The number of electrons in the outermost shell of a stable element.
  12. 13. Safer Food, Healthier Food, Better Tasting Food are all researched by:
  13. 17. What kind of fat comes from animals and is “bad”
  14. 19. Acids are responsible for _____ tastes.
  15. 20. Is found only in foods from animals and is considered a leading contributor to heart disease.
  16. 21. Making food last longer is called
  17. 24. Number of essential amino acids.
  18. 26. Cool temperatures ___ bacteria and enzymes growth.
  19. 28. Electromagnetic waves that cause molecules to vibrate.
  20. 30. Heat energy passed by the collision of molecules.