Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 3. to ask a question regarding the rights of the members
  2. 4. Delays motion to a certain time
  3. 6. Gives a motion more detailed attention or permits it to be handled in privacy
  4. 9. a question asked of the presiding officer of a parliament in relation to parliamentary law
  5. 10. Stationed at the flag
  6. 12. Used to modify another motion
  7. 14. Stationed at the emblem of washington
  8. 16. Permits a short intermission in a meeting
  9. 18. a method of taking a vote that physically counts members voting
  10. 20. A motion to end debate on a pending proposal and bring it to an immediate vote
  11. 21. defined as more than half
  12. 22. Stationed at the ear of corn
  1. 1. indication on member's preference for a motion
  2. 2. occurs when someone draws attention to a rules violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly
  3. 5. sets a motion aside with no provision for getting back to it at any particular time
  4. 7. a motion that brings business before the assembly
  5. 8. the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid
  6. 11. Stationed at the plow
  7. 13. an indication that there is at least one person besides the mover that is interested in seeing the motion forward
  8. 15. Stationed at the rising sun
  9. 17. discussion on the merits of a pending question
  10. 19. Stationed at the door