Introduction to Psychology

  1. 7. The science of animal and human behavior
  2. 9. A theory that suggests that environment shapes human behavior
  3. 11. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by ‘learning’
  4. 12. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind
  5. 13. Greek word for study
  6. 14. Microscopic fluid-filled space between the rounded areas on the end of the axon terminals of one cell and the dendrites or surface of the next cell
  7. 15. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
  8. 20. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan
  1. 1. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t
  2. 2. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event
  3. 3. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development
  4. 4. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential
  5. 5. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware
  6. 6. Greek word for soul
  7. 8. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  8. 10. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron
  9. 16. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge
  10. 17. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior
  11. 18. Ego Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality
  12. 19. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.