Introduction to the Periodic Table of Elements

  1. 2. Rows of the Periodic Table
  2. 4. Protons + neutrons = ... number
  3. 8. Side of the Periodic Table where nonmetals are generally found
  4. 12. Element with atomic number 1
  5. 14. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  6. 16. An atom’s atomic number is equal to its number of ...
  7. 18. Last name, original father of the Periodic Table
  8. 19. As you go down the Periodic Table, atomic number ...
  9. 20. Language that atomic symbols are derived from
  1. 1. Uncharged particle
  2. 3. Compound formed from only 1 type of atom
  3. 5. Atomic number of carbon
  4. 6. Diamond, graphene, and fullerenes are carbon ...
  5. 7. Elements in successive periods have ... electrons than those that came before them
  6. 9. Charged particle
  7. 10. Columns of the Periodic Table
  8. 11. Electrons energy levels
  9. 13. Elements in the same ... often look and behave similarly
  10. 15. The subatomic particle involved in all types of bonding
  11. 17. The type of metals found in the center of the Periodic Table