
  1. 4. Separated raw cotton from the seeds
  2. 5. Developer of the assembly line
  3. 6. Birthplace of the industrial revolution
  4. 9. What did Sarah Boone invent?
  5. 12. This person designed the steamboat
  6. 14. This machine mechanized the process of weaving clothes
  7. 17. Who invented the airplane
  8. 18. Inventor of morse code
  9. 19. This person invented the cotton gin
  10. 21. This person invented the light bulb
  11. 23. What did Walter Sammons invent?
  12. 24. Inventor of machine gun
  13. 26. Inventor of the military tank
  1. 1. Inventor of the vacuum cleaner
  2. 2. Inventor of dynamite
  3. 3. Inventor of air conditioner
  4. 7. This person invented the first process for mass producing steel
  5. 8. Inventor of helicopter
  6. 10. Trains like to go choo choo on this
  7. 11. This person invented the telephone
  8. 13. Inventor of the steam engine
  9. 15. Fastest way to get around right now
  10. 16. First industry to be industrialized
  11. 20. This invention helped people talk with each other from very far away
  12. 22. During the 1800's people used this to talk long distance
  13. 25. This person invented photography