Investment Unit

  1. 5. Short-term, time horizon 0-5 years.
  2. 8. Strategy in which equal amounts of money are invested at regular intervals.
  3. 10. Person who likes high risk, long term investments
  4. 13. Currency created and backed by the government without physical commodities.
  5. 14. Pessimistic stock market
  6. 19. Optimistic stock market
  7. 20. Investing all the money into the market that you currently have available.
  8. 21. Type of mutual fund which follows a particular segment of the market.
  9. 22. Money contributed to a retirement account, after tax.
  10. 23. Factors that don't involve the company: Pandemic, inflation, natural disasters.
  11. 24. Sum of money saved for a particular purpose.
  12. 25. $7000 is the limit you can deposit into these accounts yearly.
  13. 27. Process of private company offering shares to public
  14. 28. Issued by companies with fixed interest rates.
  15. 29. Distribution of company's earnings to stockholders.
  1. 1. Retirement account where money is taxed after you pull it out.
  2. 2. Long-term, time horizon 10-60 years.
  3. 3. Describes how big the company is in the stock market.
  4. 4. Person who likes low risk, short term investments
  5. 5. Must be 67 to collect, 171 million workers pay for this.
  6. 6. Must be 59.5 to collect, used mostly for unionized workers, or skilled trades.
  7. 7. What may happen to your 401k funds if you leave the company.
  8. 9. 18 to invest in "speculation" or virtual currency.
  9. 11. Currency with absolutely nothing backing it.
  10. 12. Factors caused by the company: New products, quality, political views.
  11. 15. Age you must be to start investing on your own.
  12. 16. Issued by companies, usually government, with no interest rates.
  13. 17. Working with a company for a specific amount of time to receive 100% of money in retirement account.
  14. 18. Increase in the value of assets, usually when sold for a higher amount.
  15. 26. Security that represents the ownership of a fraction to a company/corporation.