IPC Lab Safety

  1. 3. Extinguishes a fire by smothering and cutting off oxygen
  2. 5. This should never be done in the lab.
  3. 6. Who you should immediately notify if glass breaks or a chemical spills.
  4. 9. Number of minutes you should use the eye wash station or emergency shower if necessary.
  5. 11. Vents potentially dangerous fumes out of the classroom
  6. 13. Puts out a fire by spraying Carbon Dioxide foam on it.
  7. 14. The second "S" in the PASS acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  8. 15. The first "S" in the PASS acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  1. 1. How long hair and jewelry should be worn during a lab.
  2. 2. The "P" in the PASS acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  3. 4. Cuts off all electricity to wall outlets
  4. 7. Stores eye protection needed for lab experiments.
  5. 8. The "P" in the PASS acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  6. 10. Flushes out your eyes if you get chemicals or foreign objects in them.
  7. 12. Where backpacks should be placed during a lab.