iQuesta 2022 - Finals

  1. 4. Playing video and sound in real time
  2. 5. malware type in which security mechanism is bypassed to access a system.
  3. 6. The information about someone on the Internet
  4. 8. Using material another person has created and claims it as your own
  5. 11. acts as a security guard between the internet and a network
  6. 12. the amount of data that can travel over an analog medium
  7. 16. A software system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics, which are typically accessed by a point-and-click method.
  8. 18. application for performing numerical and statistical calculations
  9. 19. a program that can analyze and execute a program line by line.
  1. 1. The purpose of scrambling data so it can be sent securely over networks.
  2. 2. A number assigned to any item that is connected to the Internet
  3. 3. a method used for a security breach in wireless networks
  4. 6. instructions programmed on a hardware
  5. 7. Initialize the system hardware components
  6. 9. blockchain programming
  7. 10. Vendor-created program modifications are called
  8. 13. To allow communication inside the organization
  9. 14. A location that provides wireless Internet access.
  10. 15. name of the system that manages and programs hardware resources for a computer
  11. 17. is a layout software