IR Theories Quiz

  1. 3. Theory that highlights specific aspects of the state and international system.
  2. 7. Radical theory that explains the reasons why imperialism happens (expansion of dominant states).
  3. 10. Social construction of identities.
  4. 11. Type of balancing that gains power through building up its own military resources.
  5. 12. Theory that observes that states in the international system cooperate despite the anarchic system.
  6. 16. How much more one state gains over another.
  7. 17. Realist thinker that established the dynamism in realism-history = cycles of dominant powers.
  8. 18. Realist thinker that established the different types of balance of power: unpolar, bipolar, multipolar.
  9. 19. Radical theorist that explains that in the capitalist system, private interests control labor and market exchanges, creating bondage from which certain classes try to free themselves.
  10. 21. Radical Theroist that explained that expansion occurs when there is overproduction, low classes can't afford products because of low wages, and oversaving of the upper classes.
  11. 22. Realist thinker that placed the idea of the anarchic international system.
  12. 23. Working class according to Marxism
  13. 24. For this realist thinker, the state is the principal actor, it is unitary, rational and focused on protecting themselves.
  1. 1. J. Ann Tickner, Cynthia Enole and Christine Sylvester follow a constructivist approach of this view that states that the issue with most theories is a matter of discourse.
  2. 2. Set of theories united by common themes.
  3. 4. A falsifiable statement that questions the relationship between concepts.
  4. 5. Liberal thinker who stated that war is a product of society (not of the individual).
  5. 6. A process explained by offensive realists as joining an unlikely ally to avoid war with it.
  6. 8. Radical theory that explains the underdevelopment of dominated states.
  7. 9. Liberal thinker who said that anarchy can be solved through a federation of republics, and that states are self-interested, but self-interest would in fact be collective gain. He also determined the term economic interdependence.
  8. 13. Explains politics by focusing on norms and identities.
  9. 14. Identities are like this when they don't have similar characteristics and ideas, and conflict is likely to happen.
  10. 15. No hierarchically superior, coercive authority.
  11. 16. Theory that focuses mainly on the state and international system.
  12. 20. Radicalism considers this as the determinant factor in IR.