Irregular Verbs

  1. 1. He ___________ that he likes running.(ŘEKL)
  2. 2. The dog ____________ my sister.(KOUSL)
  3. 5. She _____________ an e-mail to her friend.(NAPSALA)
  4. 6. They _____________ a taxi to the airport.(VZALI SI)
  5. 7. He _____________(SPADL)from a tree
  6. 11. My father ____________ a bus.(ŘÍDIL)
  7. 12. She ______________ a bike.(UKRADLA)
  8. 13. We _____________ a cinema early because the movie was boring.(ODEŠLI JSME)
  9. 15. I _______________ for a walk.(ŠEL/ŠLA)
  10. 16. She ____________ a plate on the table.(POLOŽILA)
  11. 17. She __________ (MĚLA)a dog when
  1. 1. They ________________ the whole night.(SPALI)
  2. 2. and _________ (ZLOMIL)his arm.
  3. 3. I _____________ my homework.(ZAPOMNĚL/A)
  4. 4. He _____________ a book about dinosaurs.(PŘEČETL)
  5. 8. She ___________ her wallet.(ZTRATILA)
  6. 9. Your brother _____________ a window.(ROZBIL)
  7. 10. They _______________ sad when they missed a train.(CÍTILI SE)
  8. 14. He ______________ a key in his pocket.(NAŠEL)
  9. 15. she ___________ (BYLA)young.