irregular verbs

  1. 2. past simple of understand
  2. 6. past simple of forgive
  3. 7. infinitive of taught
  4. 8. past simple of learn
  5. 10. past participle of drink
  6. 12. past participle of hear
  7. 14. past simple of lose
  8. 16. past participle of forget
  9. 18. past simple of fall
  10. 19. past simple of fly
  1. 1. past participle of forgive
  2. 3. past simple of drink
  3. 4. past simple of bring
  4. 5. past participle of meet
  5. 9. past simple of thought
  6. 11. past participle of fly
  7. 13. past simple of forget
  8. 15. infinitive of sold
  9. 16. past participle of fall
  10. 17. past simple of tell
  11. 19. infinitive of felt