Irregular Verbs - Past Simple 1

  1. 3. We( )from Paris to Nantes, the traffic was awful
  2. 5. I( )back home late last night
  3. 6. My daughter ( )her favourite soft toy
  4. 8. My brother and I( )over the last slice of pie
  5. 10. He ( ) my name
  6. 14. I was ( )yesterday! I can send rent to the landlord
  7. 15. It was hard to make up my mind,but I ( )the iPhone
  8. 16. My computer ( )and it can't be fixed
  9. 17. We ( )on holiday last year
  10. 18. My son( )a cold so he is home from school
  11. 20. She( )her promise
  1. 1. I ( )what he was trying to say
  2. 2. My wife ( )me a new suede jacket
  3. 4. I( )the cold breeze on my neck
  4. 7. They( )very quietly
  5. 9. I held my son's hand to cross the street
  6. 11. She( )we wouldn't be back for lunch, but we were
  7. 12. She ( )a lot of money on it!
  8. 13. I ( ) my daughter's misplaced teddy bear
  9. 19. I ( ) pasta last night