Irregular Verbs

  1. 5. the base form of HEARD
  2. 6. the past simple of TEACH
  3. 7. the base form of UNDERSTOOD
  4. 10. the past simple of BUY
  5. 11. the base form of FALLEN
  6. 13. the past participle of GIVE
  7. 14. the past simple of SPEAK
  8. 16. the past simple of KNOW
  9. 17. the past simple of EAT
  1. 1. the base form of MADE
  2. 2. the past participle of FORGET
  3. 3. the past participle of WRITE
  4. 4. the past participle of CHOOSE
  5. 8. the past participle of THROW
  6. 9. the base form of THOUGHT
  7. 11. the past simple of FLY
  8. 12. the past simple of LOSE
  9. 13. one of the past participles of GO
  10. 15. the past simple of SWIM