Ischaemic heart disease risk factors

  1. 2. Resulted in twice the risk of coronary heart disease in current smokers, nonsmokers who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke have 25-30% higher risk
  2. 3. Physical inactivity has an attributable risk of 12.2% on myocardial infarction
  3. 6. The second most common risk factor for ischaemic heart disease
  4. 9. A person is twice as likely to have coronary heart disease if they are obese
  5. 10. Coronary artery disease prevalence increases after age 35 in both sexes
  6. 11. People of African, Southeast Asian and South American descent have increased risk of coronary artery disease morbidity and mortality
  1. 1. Heart disease is 2.5x higher in men and 2.4x higher in women in adult patients with diabetes compared to those without
  2. 4. People with a family history of premature cardiac disease younger than 50 have an increased cardiac artery disease mortality risk
  3. 5. 1 out of every 3 patients have hypertension
  4. 7. Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
  5. 8. Men are at increased risk compared to women