ISKCON Toronto Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10

  1. 5. All creations spring from a ----------------- of his splendor
  2. 6. Lord is seated in the hearts of all living entities
  3. 8. Lord Krishna is the source of ----------------------------
  4. 12. With the lamp of knowledge, Lord Krsna destroys this darkness
  5. 13. Of vibrations, He is ---------
  1. 1. Of all the cheating processes, he is -------------
  2. 2. Of demons He is the devoted -------------
  3. 3. Lord Krishna is the -----------------of all spiritual and material worlds
  4. 4. Of sacrifices, He is ------------
  5. 7. Arjuna praised the Lord , " You are the ---------------
  6. 9. They are born from Brahma who is born from Lord Krishna
  7. 10. ---------------------------- of Pure devotees dwell in Krishna
  8. 11. Lord krishna's opulence is ---------------------------