Israel rejects God's prophet and priest

  1. 1. someone who represents others before a holy God to make peace with God concerning their sin
  2. 4. The promised land
  3. 10. Aaron's staff grew these
  4. 11. partner 2
  5. 12. his partner 1
  6. 13. container for incense
  7. 14. swallowed Korah
  8. 15. chosen leader and prophet
  9. 16. number of staffs
  10. 17. set apart and separate from sin
  1. 2. burned as fragrant offering
  2. 3. current camp location
  3. 5. to repair relationship with God
  4. 6. Leader of the rebellion
  5. 7. helpers in the tabernacle
  6. 8. God ordained priest
  7. 9. fair and right
  8. 15. kindness shown by God to those who don't deserve it