- 1. allows you to store or retrieve information
- 4. designed to be small enough and light enough to be used on your lap.
- 8. screen that displays information such as text, numbers, and pictures.
- 9. the brain of your computer Also called the tower or hard drive.
- 11. gives you information from the computer in printed form.
- 13. designed to be used on a desktop but still small enough to be portable
- 15. a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do
- 18. Program that allows you to create, edit, and print text documents
- 21. electronic filing system
- 22. A system of computers, peripherals, terminals, and databases connected by communication lines.
- 23. software the controls the operation of the whole computer system
- 2. hardware that allows your computer to communicate with the user
- 3. a computer designed to be used on a desktop.
- 5. An electronic device that receives data, processes data, stores data, and produces a result
- 6. Numbered Rows and Lettered Columns Intersection of a row and column is a cell
- 7. system that performs a specific task.
- 10. hardware that allows you to communicate with your computer.
- 12. Physical Parts of the computer
- 14. he use of audio, video, animation, or graphics.
- 16. allow you to hear voice, music, and other sounds from your computer.
- 17. connects your computer to the Internet
- 19. result
- 20. Electronic information networks that carry audio, video, and computer data.