IT Cybersecurity

  1. 1. Wireless network that requires no authentication.
  2. 3. A method that allows the frequency of the wireless network to be fine-tuned. Each channel is approximately 20 MHz wide.
  3. 5. Wireless communication technology that allows two devices to connect to each other over a short distance.
  4. 8. Combines multiple channels—or lanes—to increase the amount of traffic that a modem's highway can comfortably support.
  5. 10. A communication method that uses radio waves to transmit data from small circuit boards called RFID tags to special scanners.
  6. 11. Wireless authentication method that allows for automatic connection between a device and the wireless access point.
  7. 13. The wireless access point provides access to a wireless network.
  8. 14. An enhancement to MIMO that allows the antennae on the access point to divide streams between multiple devices.
  9. 16. A communication method that allows two-way communication between two devices within a few centimeters of each other.
  10. 17. Wireless authentication method that uses a passphrase to authenticate users.
  11. 18. A method that combines channels into one to increase bandwidth.
  1. 2. Encryption protocol used on most wireless networks today. Versions 2 and 3 are the latest versions in use.
  2. 4. Authentication method that forces a user to agree to terms or pay a fee before accessing the wireless network.
  3. 6. An enhancement that allows multiple antennas to use the same radio frequency.
  4. 7. The expected number of times an event will occur in a given time frame.
  5. 9. Conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used.
  6. 12. An Ethernet cable provides the connection between a device connected to the network port and the switch.
  7. 15. The interface between a computer's hardware and software.