  1. 1. a group of people chosen to decide on a case in court
  2. 4. this person makes imitations of banknotes, signatures.. illigally
  3. 6. a firearm, like a pistol, rifle,etc
  4. 7. this person represents and defends clients in court
  5. 9. the police or forensic scientist looks for ... at the scene of the crime
  6. 10. Before prison, the criminal goes here to testify
  7. 12. When the police finds the criminal, they ... him
  8. 14. this person (may be private) investigates cases.Sherlock is a famous one
  9. 17. the person who steals things
  10. 18. the person in prison
  11. 19. a criminal that enters other people´s property to steal
  1. 2. the act of stealing with force/ violence
  2. 3. the place where criminals go, jail
  3. 4. individual marks on the tip of our fingers used for recognition (`huellas')
  4. 5. the person who is thought to be guilty* culpable
  5. 8. a person who has seen or heard a crime
  6. 10. a person who has committed a crime is a ...
  7. 11. the person who suffers the crime
  8. 13. to kill someone intentionally
  9. 15. this person makes decisions in court
  10. 16. a knife, gun, or any other object used to kill