It was green

  1. 1. She will fly _____ to warmer climates
  2. 5. This bird was born in the ________
  3. 8. The cat was a ______ before
  4. 9. The leaves were beginning to ______
  5. 10. The cold, winter wind has blown the leaves off of their _____
  6. 12. The ____ was a chick before.
  1. 1. a blanket of _____ covers the grass
  2. 2. The ____ were buds before.
  3. 3. When will the bird fly south?
  4. 4. The flowers were beginning to _____
  5. 6. What color is the summer grass?
  6. 7. The pig was a ____ before
  7. 10. It is winter, and the trees are ______
  8. 11. The cow was a _____ before.