IT_Kövér Márton

  1. 4. Software created to damage of alter the computer data of its operations.
  2. 5. This capability of mobile phones is called:
  3. 6. Microchip-based devices that generate a number that has to be typed by the user of read like a credit card.
  4. 8. Communication towers or antennas, which divide the coverage area into cells.
  1. 1. Devices that enable communication to all types of telephones while moving over a wide area called the coverage area.
  2. 2. Interface between the website and the bank that accepts the electronic payment.
  3. 3. Black-hat hackers, are computer criminals who use technology to perform a variety of crimes.
  4. 7. Illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted software, information, music and videp files, is widespead.