IT_Tóth Tamás

  1. 2. Bussines to consumer
  2. 5. MIDI,WAV,AU,MP3 are .... files
  3. 7. World Wide Web
  4. 9. is the process of buying and selling products on the web
  5. 11. the place where a web page is located
  6. 13. This capability of mobile phones is called .....
  7. 14. Global System for Mobile communications
  1. 1. virtual reality modelling language
  2. 2. a wireless technology to connect a phone to another device
  3. 3. the web server that hosts the website
  4. 4. personal identification number
  5. 6. internet relay chat
  6. 8. are self-copying programs that have the capacity to move from one computer to another computer without human help
  7. 10. who control the channels
  8. 12. Hyper Text Markup Language