Italian Food

  1. 1. The 'slow food; movement originated in Italy and is spreading around the world to encourage people to enjoy and ... their food
  2. 2. 'Quills' or 'feathers' pasta
  3. 4. Thick ribbon like pasta
  4. 6. Square or round pillows of pasta with a filling
  5. 10. 'bowties' pasta
  6. 11. ... is uncommon
  7. 12. Pasta sauces are served to complement the pasta and traditionally contain little ...
  8. 15. A term used to describe the desired texture of cooked pasta, which should have slight resistance to the bite
  9. 16. Some commonly used ... are basil, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme
  10. 17. Dessert is usually ...
  1. 1. After pasta, ... is Italy's most important category of food
  2. 3. A plate of salami, ham, sardines, olives, stuffed tomatoes
  3. 5. Ring shaped pasta stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables
  4. 7. Using food and wine that is grown and produced ... guarantees the freshness and quality of ingredients
  5. 8. ... is the staple food of Italy
  6. 9. Traditionally the main meal is eaten in the ... of the day
  7. 13. A favourite type of ice-cream
  8. 14. .... food is not an accepted custom in Italy and food is almost never eaten on the go