It's All About You!

  1. 2. Watch that! It tells a lot about you.
  2. 6. Putting myself in their shoes.
  3. 8. You have to earn it.
  4. 10. It’s never a dull moment.
  5. 11. Men in their 50s.
  6. 13. Otherwise known as kings.
  7. 14. 1.6 km more.
  8. 16. Never say No.
  9. 17. A precious stone.
  10. 18. Not my cup of tea.
  1. 1. I watch your back and you watch mine
  2. 3. SAFRA Service Credo.
  3. 4. Retail chain known for its good customer service.
  4. 5. It's got to be real.
  5. 6. Paying attention.
  6. 7. Of stocks and shares
  7. 9. Aim to be the Best!
  8. 12. A set of beliefs.
  9. 14. Walk the Talk.
  10. 15. Not present, not future.