It's All About You!

  1. 5. SAFRA Service Credo.
  2. 8. Not my cup of tea.
  3. 9. Of stocks and shares
  4. 10. A precious stone.
  5. 13. You have to earn it.
  6. 15. Putting myself in their shoes.
  7. 16. Watch that! It tells a lot about you.
  8. 17. It's got to be real.
  9. 18. 1.6 km more.
  10. 19. Paying attention.
  1. 1. I watch your back and you watch mine
  2. 2. Walk the Talk.
  3. 3. A set of beliefs.
  4. 4. Aim to be the Best!
  5. 6. Otherwise known as kings.
  6. 7. It’s never a dull moment.
  7. 10. Retail chain known for its good customer service.
  8. 11. Not present, not future.
  9. 12. Never say No.
  10. 14. Men in their 50s.