It's Christmas time

  1. 4. At midnight Spanish eat 12____________.
  2. 6. Santa brings ________________ to good children.
  3. 9. All I need for Christmas is_____________.
  4. 10. 1st of January is New Year's ___________
  5. 12. Santa travels all over the ______________.
  6. 13. 'Is Santa from Lapland?' 'Yes, he ______'.
  1. 1. When it is ______________ in Ukraine, it is summer in Australia.
  2. 2. _____________ is on 7th of January.
  3. 3. We decorate a Christmas _________.
  4. 5. New Year's _______________________________ comes before New Year's Day.
  5. 7. At New Year's eve Filipinos focus on ____________________ things.
  6. 8. It __________________ a lot in winter.
  7. 11. 'Do you enjoy winter holidays?' 'Yes, I ________________'
  8. 12. Make a _____________ at New Year's day, and it will come true