It's National Crossword Day!

  1. 2. most calls from Care givers go to....
  2. 3. in response to "thank you" from Antonella we should say?
  3. 5. where to send a call when someone asks to speak with Ian
  4. 7. the newest addition to the Coordination Team
  5. 8. fastest speaker in the office
  6. 12. location of the recent trip of Peter and Indhira
  1. 1. a synonym for working together 🤔
  2. 4. ended up with the $$$ from white elephant
  3. 6. type of food served at the Alvita Holiday Party
  4. 9. star recruiter for New Jersey
  5. 10. a period of time that is not in the Coordination team's vocabulary OR to infringe, ignore, or act contrary to (a law, rule, promise, etc.)
  6. 11. newest Team Lead's last name