Ivan's Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The _______________ hawk had a feeling that it should retreat from a person with a gun in his hand.
  2. 5. Michael was _______________ sitting in a boat with a fishing rod, while he was actually sleeping.
  3. 8. Because of his fierce hatred for sugar, Leon _______________ every time Sam tried to get himself a small treat, even if it was a small cup of low-sugar lemonade.
  4. 9. Because of the rubble’s _______________ out of the dump truck Keegan could not see anything for a few seconds.
  5. 11. The criminal _______________ tried to use his charm on the guards.
  6. 13. The _______________ and deafening sound caused many people to lose their hearing.
  7. 16. The _______________ of the rumor about his arrogance quickly went around the community.
  8. 18. Denzel’s boss was _______________ him for being late to work.
  9. 19. The first thing Hank did when he finished his autobiography was _______________ a copy to his mother.
  10. 21. A plastic bottle of water and a porcelain vase are _______________.
  11. 23. The _______________ girl believed the stranger that if she drank a potion that she was given, she would become a mermaid.
  12. 24. The _______________ on the airplane toy caused it to slide down the shelf.
  1. 1. He _______________ a document showing that he legally owned the property.
  2. 2. She showed great when _______________ she donated the old desks from her office to the local orphanage.
  3. 4. Despite already being 49 years old, Christian’s aging was _______________ to his performance as a mountain climber.
  4. 6. “Wait, I’m confused, tell me everything in _______________ order, so that I know what happened when!” said Michael.
  5. 7. The “bad street” was what the residents called the street with _______________ people living on it.
  6. 10. The _______________ homeowner looked for the slightest reason to complain about his neighbors.
  7. 12. The _______________ scientist decided he wanted to rule the world.
  8. 14. The lawyer _______________ proved his client’s innocence.
  9. 15. The understanding that Henry and Stuart had during basketball games gave rise _______________ to a that they could read each other’s minds.
  10. 17. Many movies from the 90s include _______________ comedy, targeting certain people’s sense of humor.
  11. 20. Adam _______________ false facts on the news to confuse everybody about what is going on.
  12. 22. The Channel was considered a _______________ for movies with Bruce Willis.