Jackson Era

  1. 1. person who advocates or supports a system of government in which several states unite under a central authority
  2. 7. is the practice of replacing current government employees with supporters of the winner
  3. 8. A candidate that has support mostly from his home state
  4. 10. the 7th president of the united states
  5. 14. favor of state's rights and distrust of a strong central government
  6. 15. the 1st president of united states
  7. 16. a forced relocation of the native Americans
  8. 17. to attempt to ruin their opponent's reputation with insults
  9. 18. The 4th president of the united states
  10. 21. The most of something
  1. 2. a severe economic downturn
  2. 3. the 2nd president of the united states
  3. 4. a tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported from another country
  4. 5. the 3rd president of the united states
  5. 6. A vote cast by a member of the electoral college
  6. 9. the vice president of Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
  7. 11. to reject something
  8. 12. Specialized tasks carried out by appointed officials rather than the elected ones
  9. 13. Tyler, the first vice president to become president because of the originally president death
  10. 19. want a strong central government
  11. 20. A cruel and oppressive ruler