Jackson-Johnson Founders

  1. 6. Son of Martha Jackson born in 1886:___________________________
  2. 7. Son of Martha Jackson born in 1875:_____________________________
  3. 8. Son of James Johnson and Martha Jackson born in 1899:_________________________
  4. 10. Moved to Tyler Texas before 1870 from Arkansas with her two daughter to the area around Interstate 20
  5. 12. Daughter of James Johnson and Martha Jackson born in 1895: ____________________
  6. 13. Son of James Johnson and Martha Jackson born in 1893: _______________________
  7. 15. Daughter of Viney Jackson....Born 1858..
  8. 16. Daughter of James Johnson and Martha Jackson born in 1892 :___________
  1. 1. Daughter of Martha Jackson born in 1878:_________________________
  2. 2. Son of James Johnson and Martha Jackson born in 1898___________
  3. 3. Daughter of Viney Jackson..mother of 12...7 kids are Jackson and 5 are Johnson...Born 1854 Died 1940
  4. 4. Daughter of Martha Jackson born in 1878:_________________________
  5. 5. Son of Martha Jackson born in 1884:__________________
  6. 9. Daughter of Martha Jackson born in 1874:_________________________
  7. 11. Born 1847 and married Martha Jackson
  8. 14. Son of Martha Jackson born in 1888____________________________