Jacob's Ladder

  1. 1. - Jacob received a new one from God, Israel, meaning "struggles with God."
  2. 3. - Jacob's was touched and injured during the wrestling match.
  3. 5. - Jacob's beloved wife and mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
  4. 6. - The mode in which God communicated with Jacob at Bethel.
  5. 8. - The biblical figure who dreamt of a ladder to heaven.
  6. 10. - Jacob had twelve, who would become the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  7. 11. - The city from which Jacob was traveling when he had the dream.
  8. 12. - The emotion Jacob felt after realizing he had seen God face to face.
  9. 13. - Jacob's family settled near one in Shechem after leaving Bethel.
  10. 15. - Jacob erected one to mark the spot where he had the dream.
  11. 18. - The place where Jacob had the dream, which he named "House of God."
  12. 20. - Jacob's other wife, who bore him many children.
  13. 21. - The object that appeared in Jacob's dream, connecting earth and heaven.
  14. 24. - Jacob's name means this, reflecting his earlier actions.
  1. 2. - Jacob poured oil on the pillar to consecrate it as a sacred marker.
  2. 4. - The covenant God renewed with Jacob in the dream.
  3. 7. - The name given to Jacob after his wrestling match, signifying a new identity.
  4. 9. - What God conferred upon Jacob, promising him descendants and land.
  5. 13. - Jacob did this with a mysterious figure by the Jabbok River.
  6. 14. - Jacob's uncle, with whom he worked for many years to marry Rachel.
  7. 16. - What Jacob used as a pillow in his dream of the ladder.
  8. 17. - The place where Jacob wrestled with the mysterious figure.
  9. 19. - The celestial realm that the ladder reached in Jacob's vision.
  10. 22. - Divine beings ascending and descending on the ladder in Jacob's dream.
  11. 23. - The city where Jacob's daughter Dinah was violated.