Jada Manson Chapter 5

  1. 3. time taken off of work by a mother after the birth of a baby
  2. 6. condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the mother's urine
  3. 9. health care professional trained to assist women in childbirth
  4. 10. having a condition in which milk products cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and gas
  5. 12. when a father takes time off work after baby's birth
  6. 14. reducing pain and dear during childbirth through education
  7. 18. birth center facility that provides a more homelike environment for labor and delivery
  1. 1. condition that results from not having enough red blood cells
  2. 2. form of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy
  3. 4. condition in which bones becomes fragile and break easily
  4. 5. enzyme that helps digest lactose
  5. 7. doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth
  6. 8. payment that generally cannot be changed
  7. 11. expense that can be changed
  8. 13. a protein present in most people's red blood cells
  9. 14. doctor who specializes in treating children
  10. 15. the birth of the baby
  11. 16. mixture of milk or milk substitute, water, and essential nutrients
  12. 17. process in which the baby gradually moves out of the uterus