Jade Mountain Prophecy

  1. 3. An ancient animus hybrid who was trapped under Jade Mountain for centuries.
  2. 5. A Sandwing who likes Moon.
  3. 7. Darkstalker and Whiteout's mother.
  4. 9. An Nightwing who could many futures.
  5. 10. An Nightwing who can read minds and occasionally see the future.
  1. 1. An Icewing with a icy childhood.
  2. 2. An Rainwing who has a fiery personality.
  3. 4. An Seawing who is secretly an animus.
  4. 6. An Skywing with firescales.
  5. 7. An ancient Seawing animus, one of the 3 survivors of the Great Seawing Massacre.
  6. 8. The last Icewing animus.