Jaimie & Giovanni

  1. 3. Bride's new last name
  2. 5. Number of years the couple has been together
  3. 7. Bride teaches a class about
  4. 12. Couple's favorite night cap
  5. 13. Number of years the couple has lived in Florida
  6. 14. The couple's total number of siblings
  7. 15. Honeymoon destination, overall
  8. 18. Name of the couple's dog
  9. 19. The couple's favorite "hometown" NFL team
  10. 23. The first NFL stadium the couple went to together
  11. 25. Bride's signature drink
  12. 26. Couple's favorite NBA team
  13. 28. the one who said "I love you" first
  1. 1. The city where the couple first met
  2. 2. Bride's car
  3. 4. Stars Wars day today
  4. 6. Wedding hashtag
  5. 7. Bride's favorite NFL team
  6. 8. Where the couple works
  7. 9. Who is always late
  8. 10. First town/city the couple explored together
  9. 11. Proposal location
  10. 16. Name of the couple's cat
  11. 17. Groom's favorite NFL team
  12. 20. Couple's birth month
  13. 21. Afterparty location
  14. 22. Groom's hometown
  15. 24. Couple's favorite way to travel
  16. 26. Bride's hometown
  17. 27. The proposal month